Check the front page, Wanted! has gained legendary status and has been moved to the cool kids box
I wish my microphone was on when I noticed this because I was freaking out lol
I've probably said it before, but the response to Wanted! has been nothing short of amazing. Massive thank you to everyone who played, left a review or just participated. Never thought this little game concept I thought of would've ended up the way it did. We got monthly 1st, pixel day honourable mention, frontpaged for over a month, and now featured as a legendary game. Again, thank you so much.
Also while I'm on the topic of thanking people, I wanna shoutout @whimsical-wife and @CattomNG. Both of them drew my Vaporeon "oc" and I'm super super grateful for it. Please look at the art and favourite it and rate 5 stars and follow the artists and save it to your computer and frame it and so on.
Wow, as someone who participated to this amazing collab I feel honoured! Congrats for making such little gem!