It has occured to me that I have not uttered a single word on the site for over 2 months now. Thought I'd say hi...
Here's all the productive stuff I've been doing in my absence.
I haven't had the same motivation to draw anything since starting work, I'm still doodling on occasion but never really working on anything more "finished".
That being said, here's something I have done:
Not sure if/when I'll finish it. Knowing me I'll decide I actually dislike one of the designs and scrap the whole thing (my money is on sylveon)
Wanted Minigame (Potentially a pixel art collab)
If you follow my twitter you might've seen I was working on a Psychonauts minigame. Newgrounds won't let me embed twitter posts so here's a link to a short video showcase. It's just a recreation of the Wanted minigame from the Mario DS games.
I originally planned on making this a small Psychonauts themed minigame, but I thought I could maybe open it up as a collab instead? Everyone could draw a little pixel art head of a character and we could have a Newgrounds Wanted game.
I'll get the game in a more finished state before I open it up to anyone else. Right now there's no score, timer, or any decent level generation. I will make another blog post if/when I officially announce it.
Site Skin Customizer Script
Still working on the previously announced site skin customization script. I'm still holding the belief that I should gatekeep the script to people who meet my arbritary requirements listed here. If anyone has any better ideas for distribution do let me know.
This is what the settings page for the script looks like. The link to it is the palette icon on your notification bar.
I've been able to get auto-updates and a few other features going which is great. I'd consider the script to be mostly done, but there's a few more things I want to add still. Mainly revolving around the background dropdown selector. I want it to automatically update when a new site skin comes out, and also add the ability to add your own images to it as well.
thats all for now. see you in another 2 months... or more depending on how much fortnite festival i play.
Custom NG looks. hell yeah! another reason to be supporter again.